Welcome to February! Our society is now open again on Saturdays with a volunteer there to help you! Come out and see us and let us help you search for your family!
Our last meeting of 2024 is Saturday December 7th at 2PM. Please attend as we will take a new picture of the officers slate for 2025.
Our society just turned 41! Happy birthday to CCGS!
If you have any questions we can help you with, reach out to us at ccgs28 @ gmail.com
Give a gift membership! Just visit the membership tab and put in the information. We will be closed all of the month of January as is the Historical Society.
Please donate for some new library supplies!
Portraying - Henry Mundhenke - Beulah Cotterell Phillips - John Ellis, 34 NC, CSA - Clinton Dewitt Taylor, 32 IL Inf
Adults $12.00 - $6.00 Youth Advance Tickets
Christian County Genealogy Society serving Jean Callan's famous BBQ sandwiches.
All charter and past members = Come visit Speaker at 2 Stefanie with Sangamon Valley Collection from Lincoln Library Cake and Punch
Let us help you start a family tree or learn more about your family. Individual help. Bring your information and see what we can do.
The Christian County Genealogical Society offers annual membership for $20.00 per household and lifetime memberships, $150 for single or $175 for family. Membership benefits includes two publications annually delivered right to your mailbox. It's easy! Just complete the membership application (Dues Rev. 6-7-2021.pdff) and mail, along with your check, to Christian County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 28, Taylorville, IL 62568. The application may also be used to renew your membership.
NEW! Now become a member using our PayPal option. Just click on the "Donate" page on the top menu to submit your membership dues ($22 which includes PayPay fees). If you are a new member or wish to update your information, please click here: /membership-form .
NOTE: You can only use this option if you have a PayPal account. It will not work like a regular debit/credit card.
Vol. I – Christian County Cemeteries-------------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00 + $2.50 shipping
Edinburg, Hunter, Kelsey, Long (Brushy Branch), Furrow, Milligan, Old Walnut Hill, Simpson, Stafford, Bethel Baptist, Durbin, Traylor (Anderson), Tovey, Ponting, Harpers Ferry, Millersville – 142 pp.
Vol. II – Christian County Cemeteries------------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00 + $2.50 shipping
Achenbach, Adams-Gordon, Bilyeu, Buckeye, Buckhart, (Dutch Reformed), Carmen (Norris), Dalby (Hall), Donner, Harris, Hays, Kettelkamp, Leachman, Morrisonville, Mt Zion, New Walnut Hill (Universalist), Ralston, St Joseph
(Durbin), Stokes, one unknown – 141 pp.
Vol. III – Christian County Cemeteries-----------------------------------------------------------------------$11.00 + $2.50 shipping
Anderson, Antioch, Bethany, Blueville (Halford), Center Grove, Clark, Cloyd, Darmer, Fairview, Finley, Goode, Hawk, Hinkle, Jacobs, Langley, Mt Auburn, Old Stonington – 123 pp.
Vol. IV – Christian County Cemeteries----------------------------------------------------------------------$11.00 + $2.50 shipping
Grove City, Linwood, Mound Chapel, Ohlman, Poor Farm, Tanner, Young, one unknown (possibly Hammer) – 93 pp.
__Cemetery Locations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$3.00 + $1.00 shipping
(The cemeteries listed below are more recent readings)
Berea Cemetery----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$5.00 + $1.00 shipoing
Edinburg Cemetery------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$8.00 + $2.50 shipping
Fraley, Calvary & Kettelkamp Cemeteries ----------------------------------------------------------------$5.00 + $2.50 shipping
Glen Haven Cemetery--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$5.00 + $2.50 shipping
Morrisonville Cemetery------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00 + $3.00 shipping
Oak Hill Cemetery (Unmarked Graves)-------------------------------------------------------------------$8.00 + $3.00 shipping
Ohlman Cemetery------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$5.00 + $2.50 shipping
Pleasant View Cemetery (Assumption)------------------------------------------------------------------$7.00 + $2.50 shipping
St Maurice, Harvel & Kelsey-Williams-Pierce Cemeteries---------------------------------------------$5.00 + $2.50 shipping
Traylor-Anderson Cemetery (Bear Creek Twp.)--------------------------------------------------------$7.00 + $2.50 shipping
Young-Denton & Langley Cemeteries-------------------------------------------------------------------$3.00 + $1.00 shipping
Stocks & Bivins Funeral Home (Morrisonville) Index 1918-1979------------------------------------$8.00 + $2.50 shipping
Stumpf Funeral Home (Pana) Index 1952-1976-------------------------------------------------------$8.00 +$2.50 shipping
Christian County Township Plat Maps on CD (Set of 2)
CD#1 – 1872, 1891 & 1902 and CD#2 – 1911, 1918 & 1924-------------------------------------------$80.00 + $5.00 shipping
Christian County Township Plat Maps on CD
1872, 1891 & 1902 (with searchable index)-------------------------------------------------------------$50.00 + $5.00 shipping
Christian County Township Plat Maps on CD
1911, 1918 & 1924 (schools listed on 1918 map)------------------------------------------------------$50.00 + $5.00 shipping
Christian County Marriages on one CD: 1939-1902 (Vols. A-B-C)---------------------------------$40.00 + $5.00 shipping
Christian County Marriages (printed) – Circle preference(s)
Vol. A 1839-1866.....Vol. B 1866-1884.....Vol. C 1884-1902------------------------------------------------$18.00 + $5.00 shipping (each)
Christian County U. S. Census:
1840----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$7.00 + $3.00 shipping
1850----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$9.00 + $2.00 shipping
1860----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$19.00 + $3.00 shipping
1870----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$17.00 + $3.00 shipping
1880 Christian County Enumeration----------------------------------------------------------------$25.00 + $5.00 shipping
Illinois State Census of Christian County 1855 & 1865-------------------------------------------$10.00 + $3.00 shipping
Naturalizations & Intents Index---------------------------------------------------------------------$10.00 + $3.00 shipping
Index of 1880 Christian County History------------------------------------------------------------$7.50 + $2.50 shipping
Reprint–Portrait & Biographical Record of Christian County, IL-1893--------------------------$45.00 + $5.00 shipping
Reprint–Prairie Farmers Reliable Directory of Christian County, IL-1918----------------------$22.50 + $2.50 shipping
Early Christian County History (reprint of 1976)-------------------------------------------------$10.00 + $2.50 shipping
Index (Quarterlies published 1983-2003); Winter 2003, Vol. 20 #4----------------------------$3.00 + $2.00 shipping
Back Issues of Quarterlies (if still available)-----------------------------------------------------$2.00 + $1.00 shipping (each) Some Quarterlies feature specific Townships – indicate Township of interest.
A listing of burials for most cemeteries is available at the society's library in Taylorville.
For a map of cemetery locations click here.
Assumption Township: Greenwood, Pleasant View, St. Mary's
Bear Creek Township: Thomas Anderson (aka Traylor/Anderson), Cloyd, St. Joseph (aka Durbin), Harper's Ferry (Palmer), Hawk
Buckhart Township: Bethel, Blueville, Buckhart (Dutch Reform), Edinburg, Goode, New Walnut Hill (aka Universalist), Stokes
Greenwood Township: Antioch, Center Grove, Fairview, Kettelkamp
Johnson Township: Anderson, Clark, Mound Chapel, Rape (destroyed), Simpson/Resler
King Township: Harvel, Morrisonville
Locust Township: Buckeye Prairie, Donner, Durbin, Owaneco
May Township: Fraley, Harris #1, Harris #2, Long/Brushy Branch, Tanner (family), Williams (family)
Mosquito Township: Berea, Hunter, Colewell (family), Darmer (destroyed), Sanders (destroyed), Stafford
Mt. Auburn Township: Furrow (family), Hudson (destroyed), Grove City, Hinkle, Milligan, Mt. Auburn
Pana Township: Calvary, Linwood, Mound, Twin Pines/Pauper
Prairieton Township: Adams-Gordon, Bilyeu, Hays, Jacobs, New Liberty/Campbellite (destroyed), Workman
Ricks Township: St. Maurice
Rosamond Township: Ohlman, Rosamond Grove
South Fork Township: Achenbach (aka German Lutheran or Southfork), Bethany, Finley, Tovey, Ralston
Stonington Township: Mt. Zion, Old Stonington, Ponting
Taylorville Township: Dalby/Hall/Old City, Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, Old Walnut Hill Cemetery (aka. Hanon or Horse Shoe/Horseshoe Prairie), Langley, Leachman (destroyed), Oak Hill, Young/Denton
All township cemetery records are available at the library for review and purchase (see Publications to order cemetery publications)
Adam S. Curry Sr., Mary K. Rankin & Deanne Morris (donated by Joann Patino)
NEWSPAPERS - See Christian CountyTowns and Villages
SCHOOLS - See Christian County Schools
The links below will direct you to websites with credible and useful information to aid in your hunt for your ancestors.
(Macon Co., IL) | Jacksonville Area Genealogical & Historical Society (Morgan Co., IL) | |
Mayflower History | National Archives | Illinois State Archives Regional Depository |
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries | Eastman Online Genealogy Newsletter | Cyndi's List - Illinois |
Family Search | Maps of Illinois (including dates of county formation) | Illinois Newspaper Project |
Hathi Trust Digital Library (previously University of IL Illinois Digital Harvest) | Illinois State Archives (online databases) | LDS Christian County Genealogy |
This Day in History | Christian County on WikiTree |
Christian County Cemeteries on Find A Grave | Graveyards.com (Graveyards of Illinois) | |
Illinois Cemeteries at Cemetery Junction | I Dream of Genealogy (Illinois Cemeteries) | |
If you wish to submit a query for publication on this website, send your query to the society at ccgs28 @ gmail.com (remove spaces).
If you have information to share on any name listed below, please contact us at ccgs28 @ gmail.com (remove spaces), and your contact information will be passed along to the person researching that name.
Adams | Ahalt | Akin | Alexander | Allen | Allsman |
Alt | Anderson | Anderews | Angel | Angle | Armstrong |
Ashcraft | Askins | Atterbery | Austin |
Babbs | Bailey | Baily | Baker | Bald | Baldwin | Ballard | Barbee |
Barding | Barking | Bartlett | Batchman | Beaman | Beard | Bechtyl | Becker |
Beckle | Beezley | Behanna | Behke | Bennewitz | Bentley | Berndt | Berry |
Bertman | Bilyeu | Blackwell | Blakey | Blood | Blouch | Blount/Blunt | Bloxam |
Boltz | Bolz | Bond | Bonnell | Boswell | Boulding | Bowling | Bowman |
Boyd | Boyer | Boynton | Bradley | Branch | Brant | Briggs | Brockamp |
Brockhouse | Brockman | Brookens | Brooks | Brouster | Browatzki | Brownback | Broyles |
Brumfield | Brunner | Bruns | Buffington | Bullard | Burden | Burdick | Burks |
Burns | Burris | Burt | Burtle | Busby | Butler | Button | Butts |
Byers |
Cagle | Callan | Callaway | Calloway | Cameron | Camp | Campbell | Card |
Carey | Carlock | Carnes | Carney | Carson | Carter | Cartmell | Casey |
Cassity | Castleman | Catherwood | Cearlock | Cekafetz | Chandler | Choteau | Christianor |
Clark | Clayton | Clements | Clifton | Cloe | Coates | Coats | Cochran |
Coen | Coffee | Coffin | Colbrook | Coleman | Coleman-Barham | Colopy | Comerford |
Compton | Conover | Conrey | Cook | Coons | Copenbarger | Copple | Cormaney |
Corzine | Council | Cox | Craft | Cramer | Crawford | Cress | Croon |
Crouch | Crowder | Cullison | Culmer | Culton | Culver | Cunningham | Curry |
Curtain |
Daigh | Dain | Dannelly | Dappert | Darby | Darovec | Daugh | Davis |
Day | Deal | Deban | Debrosse | Deeren | Deery | Demo | Dever |
Dickerson | Dickey, Salem | Dickson | Dietz | Dilley/Dille | Dimmitt | Dinkens | Dodson |
Doggett | Donner | Dotson | Douglas | Dow | Dowdy | Drake | Dude |
Duncan | Dunn | Durbin | Dussart |
Ealey | Eaton | Eddington | Edwards | Elam | Ellis | Emerson | Engle |
Estabrook | Ettinger | Eury | Ewing |
Farley/Fairley | Fedora | Fergason, George & Mary family - especially Julia |
Ferree | Ferrell | Fesser | File | Finn | Fisher | Fleckenstein | Fleming |
Foley | Forbes | Forrer | Forrester | Foster | Fountain | Foutch | Fraher |
Frazier | Freeze | Friedrich | Frydendall | Fulk | Fuller | Funderburg/Funderkirk |
Funderburk | Funk |
Gaby | Gahagen | Garrett | Garwood | George | Ghirardi | Giebe | Gilliam |
Glove | Glynn | Good/Goode/Gude/Guth/Gut |
Goodman | Goodsell | Gorden | Gough | Gowin | Graham | Grammer | Graves |
Gray | Grear | Green | Greer | Greive | Griffiths | Grimes |
Hadsall | Haile/Hails | Halford | Hall | Hall, Erastus | Halley | Hamel | Hancock |
Hand | Hanon | Harbaugh | Harbert | Hard | Harding | Harfield | Hargis |
Harmon | Harris | Harrison | Harrold | Hart | Hartel | Hastings | Hatcher |
Hatfield | Hays, Bernadine Jones | Haywood | Hebel | Hedrick | Heinlein | Hemann |
Henderson | Hendricks | Hendrickson | Henry | Hensey | Hensley | Herbert | Heriot |
Herpstreith | Herr | Hewitt | Hicks | Hignight | Hill | Hines | Hinman |
Hobbs | Hodge | Hoferner | Hogan | Hogge | Holland | Hollier | Holman |
Holmes | Hopwood | Hostos | Housse | How | Howell | Huddleston | Huffman |
Huggins | Hughes | Humlong | Hummel | Humphreys | Hunsley | Hunt | Hunter |
Hupp | Hurelbrink | Husband |
Impastito | Infield/Enfield | Ivison |
Jacobs | Jaeger | Jansenn/Jansson | Jeffers | Jehle | Jelliff | Jenkins |
Jerden | Johnson | Johnston | Jones | Jones, John & Ella | Jones, William E. |
Jordan | Judd |
Kalb | Kautz | Keiser | Keller | Kelley | Kelso | Kemerer | Kemmerer |
Kerney | Kessler | Kettelkamp | Kilbourne | Kilkur/Kilker | Killion | Kinder | King |
Kinsey | Kirby | Kirkpatrick | Kistner/Kestner | Klar | Klinefelter | Klingler | Knope |
Koch | Kosal | Kozal | Kozel | Krammer | Kretzer | Kistenmacher | Kuznik |
Lamoureaux | Lancaster | Landers | Lane | Langley | Large | Larkham | Lash |
Law | Leady | Leban | Lee | Leeper | Lehnen | Leigh | Lemaire |
Lerevre | Lhomme | Leitze | Likes | Lind | Linn | Linsly | Little |
Livingston | Locke | Lockhart | Lockridge | Lockwood | Logsdon | Logue | Lohr |
Long | Longden | Lopossa | Lowe | Lucas | Luzader | Lynch | Lyon |
Macquet | Maddox | Maher | Maier | Malin | Malson | Manecke | Manley |
Mann | Mansir/Mansur | MaQuire | Maquirre | Markley | Marksbury |
Marshall | Martin | Marvel | Mason | Massee/Massey | Masters |
Mateer | Mathews/Matthews | Mathieu | Matuszyk | Maxwell | May |
McArdle | McBroom | McClain | McCluskey | McConnell | McCormick | McCullough | McCune |
McCurdy | McDonald | McDonough | McGee | McGinnis | McGraw | McGuiffe | McGuire |
McKinney | McKinnon | McLeod | McManus | McShea | McVey | McWard | Meece |
Meinzer | Melugin | Melvin | Meredith | Meteer | Meyers | Micenheimer | Miller |
Mimnaugh | Minnis | Miskemen | Mohr | Moholon | Montgomery | Moon | Moore |
Moores | Morgan | Mose | Moses | Mosher | Moss | Moulds | Molin |
Mullins | Murphy | Murray/Murry | Murry, Jeremiah | Myers |
Nagle | Nance | Nancy | Nash | Neil | Neu | Newton |
Nichols | Noren | Norman | Nowlin | Nye/Nigh |
Oates | O'Bryan | O'Farrel | Ogden | O'Heren | Oller |
O'Malley | Ostermeier | Otto | Overly | Owens |
Pachl | Page | Parish | Parrill | Parrish | Pate | Patterson | Patton |
Paul | Payne | Peabody | Pearson | Pedigo | Penn | Peters | Petterson |
Phelps | Picart | Pigg | Pine | Pistole | Pittman | Plummer | Poe |
Poffenbarger | Pomeroy | Popovich | Porter | Powel/Powell | |
Prater | Pratt | Preist | Pruitt | Pryce, Wm. | Purvis |
Quick |
Rach | Randolph | Rape | Read | Reber | Redfern |
Reeb | Reed | Rennolds | Rexroad | Rhea | Rhodes/Rhoades |
Ridgeway | Rigney | Rigsby | Robb | Roberts | Robison |
Rogers | Rollins | Rosenberger | Rozanski | Runkle | Russell/Russel |
Sanders | Sanford | Schaefer | Scharth | Schauer | Schick | Schillinger | Schmidt |
Schuessler | Schultz | Schulz | Schumacher | Schutz | Scott | Seafetz | Sears |
Sexton | Shafer | Shake | Shanks | Sharp | Sharrock | Shaw | Shell |
Shivers | Short | Shotton | Shouse | Shultz | Sides | Siehr/Ziehr | Simon |
Simpson | Sims | Singer | Sinnard | Skaggs | Skinner | Slack | Sloman |
Smart | Smith | Snider/Snyder | Sockeras | Sooter | Sounders | Sparling | Spath |
Spencer | Spindel | Spresser | Squier | Stamper | Stanberry | Stancel | Stanley |
Steel | Stelzriede | Stephens | Stevenson | Steward, William H. | Stewart | Stich |
Stickney | Stiff | Stivers | Stolt | Stork | Strablew | Strebel |
Streiff | Sturgeon | Suhre | Suiter | Summers | Swisher |
Taylor | Teter | Thorn/Thorne/Thurn | Tilley | Tinsley | Tipsword | Torrence |
Toubeaux | Trapp | Travis | Traylor | Treat | Tritz/Tretz | Twidwell |
Tyler-Long |
Underhill | Unser |
Vallbracht | Van Geison | Vansickle | Vaughn | Vedder | Veech | Venters | Vigal |
Wade | Wagener | Wahburn | Walker | Waller | Wanack | Ward | Wareham |
Warner, Mary Jane | Washburn | Waterman | Watkins | Watson | Weaver | Webster |
Wedekind | Weeden | Welton | West (William George | Whipps | Whitaker |
White | Whitehead | Whitesell | Whittaker | Wichter | Wilcox | Wiley | Wilhelm |
Wilkinson | Wilks | Willey | Williams | Willingham | Wills/Willis | Wilson | Winters |
Wolf | Wolfkiel/Wolfkill | Wood | Woodall | Woods | Workman | Wright | Wydler |
Wysong |
Yeaman | Yohe | Yoho | Young | Younker | Youtsler |
Zachritz | Zeigelmaier | Ziegler | Zimmerman | Zock |
CCGS MEMBERS are asked to pay a minimum of a non-refundable $15.00 donation for each individual name searched, payable in advance. NON-MEMBERS are asked to pay a minimum of a non-refundable $20.00 donation for each individual name searched, payable in advance. (This includes postage up to 2 ounces) Additional amounts will be requested if needed.
Please indicate in a brief, clear, specific manner the information you are seeking. Please send pedigree/ancestor charts giving the information you have, so that we do not duplicate our work. Your charts will be placed in the family research section for the use of other researchers.
Our holdings available for research include:
Christian County histories: 1880, 1894, 1904, 1918, 1964, 2014.
Morrisonville and Palmer Centennials.
Christian County Plat maps for 1872 1891, 1902, 1911, 1918 and 1924.
Federal census we have are: 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 and IL State census for 1855 & 1865
Cemetery readings
Marriage index from 1839 to 1920.
Newspapers from Taylorville, Pana, Morrisonville and Assumption
Probate records: 1839 - 1886; Letters & Wills: 1849 - 1861 & 1871 - 1919;
Land Deeds 1839 - 1884; Quit Claims 1868 - 1890.
A detailed list of our holdings is available on our Publications page.
Inquiries may be made to CCGS, PO Box 28, Taylorville, IL 62568
Please make checks payable to the Christian County Genealogy Society. Do not send cash.